Pinit Analytics
Visualize and analyze all the metrics of your operation.
Generate real-time reports that support decision making and increase productivity in all your processes.

Accurate data, intelligent decisions

- Key metrics according to the business model.
- Specific status of packages throughout the supply chain.
- Reports on customs, parts handled, operation time, last mile and more.

- Application of advanced data analysis and machine learning techniques.
- Visualize metrics and indications of your operation.
- Analyze your results through graphs.

Web Tracking
- Visualize the traceability of each shipment: from order confirmation to delivery.
- Promised delivery date.
- Evidence when the package has been delivered.

- Integration to different systems, internal and external databases to facilitate a comprehensive analysis.
- We have integration methods via API rest and Soap.
- Fast integration with Shopify and other stores.
Some of the brands that rely on us in Latin America